Bedroom Workout For Weight Loss. Lie on your back on the bed with your legs straight and close together arms open 180 degrees horizontally palms facing upwards then swing your legs to the left at the same time keep your thigh roots close to the bed and swing your left arm to the right until your hands are folded Hold this position for 5 seconds and then do the reverse motion. Together these moves will keep your metabolism firing long after lights out.
Note First warm up your body. If playback doesnt. Choose weights for each exercise that are challenging between 5-10 reps.
Sit up is another bed exercises to lose weight fast.
High intensity workouts elevate your heart rate. Choose between 5-8 compound multi-muscle exercises. Choose weights for each exercise that are challenging between 5-10 reps. With enough time on your hands this 5-day workout routine for weight loss and muscle gain helps you balance all important variables.